The problem: As part of the ongoing efforts to provide our book publishers value Google Play Books needed to create differentiators publishers wouldn’t find anywhere else. One of the biggest gaps that separates the large publishers from the rest is their ability to create audiobooks. This is a hugely profitable revenue stream for publishers that broadens the distribution capabilities. Because producing a professional audiobook is time and cost intensive, it prohibits smaller publishers the chance to get exposure and compete.
The objective: Leverage the extraordinary depth of Google’s technological machine learning expertise and text to speech muscle to create a tool that radically simplifies the creation of audiobooks.
The result: The creation of a game-changing tool for book publishers. This tool allows publishers to generate and distribute autonarrated audio books using cutting edge machine learning (ML). The tool is capable of simulating over 50 narrator options in multiple languages. This easy to use tool allows publishers of all shapes and sizes to convert their existing ebooks to professional sounding audiobooks in under 2 hours, at a fraction of the cost of conventionally produced audiobooks. This powerful, self-service tool opens the doors for self-publishers with no budget the opportunity to widen their audience. Conversely, it allows large publishers with massive libraries the ability to convert thousands of lesser known or dated titles in their catalog they previously would've never considered making into audio books at scale with little to no effort.
Role: UX Manager
Skills Used: UX design, UI design, visual design, project management, team management